What’s Up With WFH?

After a prolonged period of remote work due to the pandemic, many of us find ourselves on the cusp of yet another significant transition: returning to the office… for real this time. Many employees have gone from fully remote to hybrid to back in the office full time. The east coast is back on mass transit. Downtown salad spots are once again bustling. Is everyone going back to normal? 

The hybrid work model has long served as the compromise between employers and employees, with everyone getting a little of what they want. But in today’s job market, the ball is back in the employer’s court. And they want their employees back at work. We’ve heard from some clients that they’re less inclined to hire candidates who only want to be in the office 3 days a week. 

In 2024, we expect working in the office 4 days a week to become the new hybrid standard. And while we miss the days of working in sweatpants, we have to admit there are a few perks to working together in person.

Water cooler chat that’s actually fun: Which new Beyoncé song is your favorite? Did you watch [insert highly addictive Bravo show here] last night? Does anyone do a press tour like Zendaya? It feels good to talk about current events and bond with our colleagues.

The little moments that happen in between meetings: In person work and meetings really do lead to faster decision-making and creative problem-solving. In-office settings also often provide access to resources and opportunities for professional development.

Breaking up the day: While remote work offers flexibility, it can blur the boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout and stress. Returning to the office can help restore balance by creating a separation between work and home environments.

All things considered, we’re happy to report that new normal is certainly more flexible than it was before. What’s your take on WFH? Are you back in the office full time? We’d love to hear more about what you think we’re trending toward in 2024.


Mara Hoffman Gracefully Says Goodbye


Three years of PRTNR!